09-09-2023, 10:01 AM
coxsbazarpolice bangladesh police backup_guest_info dump
site: police.coxsbazar.gov.bd
Dump data from the table `backup_guest_info`
Total rows: 275K
year: 2022
format: sql
INSERT INTO `backup_guest_info` (`SL`, `id`, `guest_type`, `guest_category`, `name`, `contact_no`, `address`, `profession`, `document_no`, `age`, `note`, `type_of_visa`, `purpose_of_visit`, `guide_name`, `country`, `user_id`, `check_in`, `check_out`, `group_key`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(38, 1360, 'Couple', 'Foreigner', 'MR. HIDENORI OSUMI', '01712247199', 'JAPAN', 'ENGINEER (NIPPON KOEI BANGLADESH)', 'MU3576429', 68, '', '', 'OFFICIAL', 'ABED ALI', 'BANGLADESH', 398, '2019-11-17 04:29:09', '2019-11-22 04:29:12', '237908', '2019-11-17 16:57:13', '2019-11-17 17:00:53'),
(39, 1397, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'Mr.Abdul motab', '01844163428', 'Probortak more,East Nasirabad,CTG', 'Job', '1918786923591', 40, '', '', '', '', '', 616, '2019-11-17 03:35:00', '2019-11-18 12:00:00', '219264', '2019-11-17 17:38:53', '2019-11-17 17:43:23'),
(40, 1452, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'RONI DASH, BABI DASH', '0184677489928', 'PATIYA CHAKI WORD- 02 KHAN MOHONO PARA CTG', 'JOB', '1516167761067', 28, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-17 06:20:43', '2019-11-18 06:20:47', '102246', '2019-11-17 18:25:04', '2019-11-17 18:53:11'),
(41, 1959, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'মোঃ রিয়াছ', '01719439947', 'গাবতলা,ঢাকা উত্তরা', 'ব্যবসা', '6423815460', 37, '', '', '', '', '', 752, '2019-11-18 04:00:00', '2019-11-20 10:00:00', '465407', '2019-11-18 20:32:37', '2019-11-18 20:35:14'),
(42, 1959, 'Family', 'Domestic', 'মোঃ রিয়াছ', '01719439947', 'গাবতলা,ঢাকা উত্তরা', 'ব্যবসা', '6423815460', 37, '', '', '', '', '', 752, '2019-11-18 04:00:00', '2019-11-20 10:00:00', '465407', '2019-11-18 20:35:14', '2019-11-18 20:35:47'),
(43, 1784, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'Sarmin Akter', '01760534851', 'Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar', 'Psychosocial Counselor', '7327301508', 29, '10347', '', '', '', '', 443, '2019-11-17 09:27:15', '2019-11-21 11:30:36', '786494', '2019-11-18 14:33:06', '2019-11-19 14:55:15'),
(44, 2558, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'Md Rasel', '01880785284', 'Satvita Narisha Dohar Dhaka', 'Bussiness', 'AD7486446', 24, '', '', '', '', '', 489, '2019-11-20 06:01:11', '2019-11-21 06:01:14', '225259', '2019-11-20 06:03:20', '2019-11-20 06:04:11'),
(74, 7046, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'Bijoyn deb. Showran deb. Kantik deb. Chinmoya day. Samita sen gapta', '01674296063', 'Feni saltanpar. 193/b .p.o/ feni', 'business', '416676610', 30, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-28 08:16:02', '2019-11-29 08:16:09', '206108', '2019-11-28 20:21:07', '2019-11-29 07:34:34'),
(75, 7062, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'Md.Abdual Muktadir. Shipa begum', '01777380288', 'Vill. Daria par p/o sylhet sadar wred no. 26', 'business', '9112063507046', 41, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-28 08:42:31', '2019-11-29 08:42:35', '689232', '2019-11-28 20:43:13', '2019-11-29 07:38:00'),
(76, 7248, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'md.shahin,mrs.sochona akter', '01819027066', '70/1.south saidabad,w-84,jatra bari,dhk', 'business', '2692984636372', 35, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-28 11:30:44', '2019-11-29 11:30:46', '504126', '2019-11-28 23:32:01', '2019-11-29 07:40:04'),[/code]
site: police.coxsbazar.gov.bd
Dump data from the table `backup_guest_info`
Total rows: 275K
year: 2022
format: sql
INSERT INTO `backup_guest_info` (`SL`, `id`, `guest_type`, `guest_category`, `name`, `contact_no`, `address`, `profession`, `document_no`, `age`, `note`, `type_of_visa`, `purpose_of_visit`, `guide_name`, `country`, `user_id`, `check_in`, `check_out`, `group_key`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(38, 1360, 'Couple', 'Foreigner', 'MR. HIDENORI OSUMI', '01712247199', 'JAPAN', 'ENGINEER (NIPPON KOEI BANGLADESH)', 'MU3576429', 68, '', '', 'OFFICIAL', 'ABED ALI', 'BANGLADESH', 398, '2019-11-17 04:29:09', '2019-11-22 04:29:12', '237908', '2019-11-17 16:57:13', '2019-11-17 17:00:53'),
(39, 1397, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'Mr.Abdul motab', '01844163428', 'Probortak more,East Nasirabad,CTG', 'Job', '1918786923591', 40, '', '', '', '', '', 616, '2019-11-17 03:35:00', '2019-11-18 12:00:00', '219264', '2019-11-17 17:38:53', '2019-11-17 17:43:23'),
(40, 1452, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'RONI DASH, BABI DASH', '0184677489928', 'PATIYA CHAKI WORD- 02 KHAN MOHONO PARA CTG', 'JOB', '1516167761067', 28, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-17 06:20:43', '2019-11-18 06:20:47', '102246', '2019-11-17 18:25:04', '2019-11-17 18:53:11'),
(41, 1959, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'মোঃ রিয়াছ', '01719439947', 'গাবতলা,ঢাকা উত্তরা', 'ব্যবসা', '6423815460', 37, '', '', '', '', '', 752, '2019-11-18 04:00:00', '2019-11-20 10:00:00', '465407', '2019-11-18 20:32:37', '2019-11-18 20:35:14'),
(42, 1959, 'Family', 'Domestic', 'মোঃ রিয়াছ', '01719439947', 'গাবতলা,ঢাকা উত্তরা', 'ব্যবসা', '6423815460', 37, '', '', '', '', '', 752, '2019-11-18 04:00:00', '2019-11-20 10:00:00', '465407', '2019-11-18 20:35:14', '2019-11-18 20:35:47'),
(43, 1784, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'Sarmin Akter', '01760534851', 'Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar', 'Psychosocial Counselor', '7327301508', 29, '10347', '', '', '', '', 443, '2019-11-17 09:27:15', '2019-11-21 11:30:36', '786494', '2019-11-18 14:33:06', '2019-11-19 14:55:15'),
(44, 2558, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'Md Rasel', '01880785284', 'Satvita Narisha Dohar Dhaka', 'Bussiness', 'AD7486446', 24, '', '', '', '', '', 489, '2019-11-20 06:01:11', '2019-11-21 06:01:14', '225259', '2019-11-20 06:03:20', '2019-11-20 06:04:11'),
(74, 7046, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'Bijoyn deb. Showran deb. Kantik deb. Chinmoya day. Samita sen gapta', '01674296063', 'Feni saltanpar. 193/b .p.o/ feni', 'business', '416676610', 30, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-28 08:16:02', '2019-11-29 08:16:09', '206108', '2019-11-28 20:21:07', '2019-11-29 07:34:34'),
(75, 7062, 'Single', 'Domestic', 'Md.Abdual Muktadir. Shipa begum', '01777380288', 'Vill. Daria par p/o sylhet sadar wred no. 26', 'business', '9112063507046', 41, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-28 08:42:31', '2019-11-29 08:42:35', '689232', '2019-11-28 20:43:13', '2019-11-29 07:38:00'),
(76, 7248, 'Couple', 'Domestic', 'md.shahin,mrs.sochona akter', '01819027066', '70/1.south saidabad,w-84,jatra bari,dhk', 'business', '2692984636372', 35, '', '', '', '', '', 411, '2019-11-28 11:30:44', '2019-11-29 11:30:46', '504126', '2019-11-28 23:32:01', '2019-11-29 07:40:04'),[/code]
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