11-18-2022, 01:37 PM
Leak has been uploaded by Team zfl0 contact <[email protected]>
Hello Club Hydra Community,
Today I have uploaded the Civil Service Commission Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!
Name: Civil Service Commission
Domain: http://csc.gov.ph
Date: 05-15-2022
Compromised Data: employer id, city id, department id, region id, agency id, type, token, status, is admin, password, username, created date and more
Information: Dumped the website for you all to share, download and use as you wish. Whilst dumping the site, yes. They are using plaintext passwords...
Total Records: 19121
System Information:
Info Provided:
File Structure:
Hello Club Hydra Community,
Today I have uploaded the Civil Service Commission Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!
Name: Civil Service Commission
Domain: http://csc.gov.ph
Date: 05-15-2022
Compromised Data: employer id, city id, department id, region id, agency id, type, token, status, is admin, password, username, created date and more
Information: Dumped the website for you all to share, download and use as you wish. Whilst dumping the site, yes. They are using plaintext passwords...
Total Records: 19121
Quote: Wrote:2888,1688,2198,32,2991,HRMO,0f87f298,1,1,Zos!J|*z8t#T]wT,[email protected],2015-11-07 06:38:29,2019-06-26 09:49:03,Main Office,ABRA STATE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,[email protected]
155,133,3293,28,4277,HRMO,9e729eda,1,1,Zo2cU $#T1PYNMv,[email protected],2016-01-08 15:15:13,2020-07-28 14:11:40,Water district,ABULUG WATER DISTRICT (CAGAYAN),[email protected]
2177,995,3019,39,3523,HRMO,b9d8057e,1,1,6!G%FI[GpN+[>*5,[email protected],2015-11-13 12:09:48,2020-03-04 11:16:49,District Office,ABUYOG WATER DISTRICT,[email protected]
1236,1868,2291,35,1635,HRMO,c9020539,1,1,#>L.F!y.)0TUU3B,[email protected],2015-10-29 22:32:12,2020-07-07 10:58:29,Field Office,ADIONG MEMORIAL POLYTECHNIC STATE COLLEGE,[email protected].
1020,1590,106,30,2601,HRMO,432d57e3,1,1,#D^rj[2_Rl2BLnR,[email protected],2015-11-05 13:02:39,2020-07-09 06:44:23,Central Office,ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE,[email protected]
851,1661,3177,30,4782,HRMO,bd407476,1,1,CBxp!Kk5 -lqVW(,[email protected],2016-06-07 14:56:26,2020-08-25 10:44:10,Attached Bureau to DND,AFP MEDICAL CENTER,[email protected]
142,357,2801,34,3360,HRMO,ef541d48,1,1,xB~yF^HD0k2)t3r,[email protected],2015-11-11 14:41:10,2020-07-09 06:42:01,GO,AGONCILLO WATER DISTRICT,root
851,1557,9,30,1108,HRMO,ea46e483,1,1,~V#eXn)6y-(=tys,[email protected],2015-10-28 14:58:48,2020-05-15 13:46:36,<blank>,AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AND POLICY COUNCIL,[email protected]
3312,1590,290,30,4705,HRMO,28acf48e,1,1,; XYtx&B5:^b+MA,[email protected],2016-04-13 11:49:33,2020-08-24 09:58:59,Central Office,AGRICULTURAL TRAINING INSTITUTE,[email protected]
697,1779,2296,31,883,HRMO,5534833d,1,1,HS&VRrjntiP)n]^,[email protected],2015-10-28 08:13:06,2020-05-04 11:04:38,SUC,AGUSAN DEL SUR STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY,[email protected]
514,754,2940,37,4379,HRMO,da4541c6,1,1,"; ,}-cNJM;:^*W2",[email protected],2016-01-15 12:21:10,2020-07-09 06:42:36,<blank>,AJUY WATER DISTRICT,[email protected]
515,701,2245,37,2545,HRMO,ee4cd846,1,1,3KBZUdn]56RSj#p,[email protected],2015-11-05 10:59:42,2020-03-13 18:32:14,State College and University,AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY,root
1647,1411,2720,30,2937,HRMO,f0e0b728,1,1,:6/wJD)c*EHPMx<,[email protected],2015-11-06 16:16:56,2020-06-25 11:52:48,Executive Office,AL-AMANAH ISLAMIC INVESTMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES,[email protected]
153,418,2474,34,628,HRMO,6a5f9bad,1,1,Z7ReJGdnjw|_;Lx,[email protected],2015-10-27 09:23:52,2020-07-09 06:31:47,Water District,ALAMINOS WATER DISTRICT (LAGUNA),[email protected]
System Information:
Quote: Wrote:Backend System: Windows 10
Hostname: WIN-NEJB836KBNF
DBMS User: 'jmonses@localhost'
Info Provided:
Quote: Wrote:Inventory Logs
User Logs
User Database
Agency Accounts
MySQL Logins
PhpMyAdmin Dump
XAMPP Logins
FreiChat Chat Logs
Employee Dump (includes full name, addresses, usernames, personal emails, agency and government employed emails)
And More
File Structure:
Quote: Wrote:.
|-- cdcol
| `-- cds.csv
|-- csc_cdris
| |-- tblref_subcat.csv
| |-- tblref_subcat_topic.csv
| |-- tblref_topic.csv
| |-- tblresource_master.csv
| |-- tblusers.csv
| |-- vw_resource_master.csv
| |-- vw_subcat_category.csv
| `-- vw_subcat_topics.csv
|-- csc_guestchat
| |-- frei_banned_users.csv
| |-- frei_chat.csv
| |-- frei_config.csv
| |-- frei_groupchat.csv
| |-- frei_rooms.csv
| |-- frei_session.csv
| |-- frei_smileys.csv
| |-- frei_video_session.csv
| |-- frei_video_session.csv.1
| |-- frei_webrtc.csv
| `-- frei_webrtc.csv.1
|-- csc_ighrsdb
| |-- ref_2020inventorysummary.csv
| |-- ref_2021inventorysummary_asof_aug16.csv
| |-- tbl_agencyaccounts.csv
| |-- tbl_agencyinventory_logs.csv
| |-- tbl_personnel2.csv
| |-- tbl_plantilla_jocos.csv
| |-- tbl_userlogs.csv
| |-- vw_agencyinventory_logs.csv
| |-- vw_cscfoaccounts.csv
| `-- vw_plantilla_sec_uploading_count.csv
|-- csc_ighrsdb_aug312020
|-- mysql
| `-- user.csv
|-- performance_schema
| `-- accounts.csv
|-- phpmyadmin
| |-- pma_bookmark.csv
| |-- pma_column_info.csv
| |-- pma_designer_coords.csv
| |-- pma_history.csv
| |-- pma_pdf_pages.csv
| |-- pma_recent.csv
| |-- pma_relation.csv
| |-- pma_table_coords.csv
| |-- pma_table_info.csv
| |-- pma_table_uiprefs.csv
| |-- pma_tracking.csv
| |-- pma_userconfig.csv
| `-- pma_userconfig.csv.1
`-- webauth
`-- user_pwd.csv
9 directories, 46 files
Quote: Wrote:This field is hidden, you must comment below to open it.
Note: If the comment field is not visible, your topic may be in the VIP or Business area.
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