12-04-2022, 01:43 PM
Hello community!
Today there is a leak of the company PE "Ukrzakhidpostach". It contains a lot of contracts, agreements with various companies, including European ones, as well as with state-owned enterprises of Ukraine such as armored factories, etc., passports of the head and employees, financial documents, credit history and much more. ....... Level of incompetence The information security of this company is over the top because they leaked so much confidential information. I really want to hear your opinion expressed in the comments. I suggest you watch the video review of the leak:
Today there is a leak of the company PE "Ukrzakhidpostach". It contains a lot of contracts, agreements with various companies, including European ones, as well as with state-owned enterprises of Ukraine such as armored factories, etc., passports of the head and employees, financial documents, credit history and much more. ....... Level of incompetence The information security of this company is over the top because they leaked so much confidential information. I really want to hear your opinion expressed in the comments. I suggest you watch the video review of the leak:
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