01-09-2025, 06:55 AM
Shkreli says Wu-Tang Clan should have say in lawsuit over one-off album
<p style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 15px; width:240px;"><img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjUtMDEvMDE5NDQ4ZjItNDI3NS03Y2FiLWEyNTgtYWYxMjA2OTFiZjE4.jpg"></p><p>Martin Shkreli argued that members of the Wu-Tang Clan should participate in a court battle he’s facing over a rare album they produced as they still hold rights to it.</p>
<p style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 15px; width:240px;"><img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjUtMDEvMDE5NDQ4ZjItNDI3NS03Y2FiLWEyNTgtYWYxMjA2OTFiZjE4.jpg"></p><p>Martin Shkreli argued that members of the Wu-Tang Clan should participate in a court battle he’s facing over a rare album they produced as they still hold rights to it.</p>