09-17-2024, 04:29 PM
Why stocks may send Bitcoin price back to $50K before October
<p style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 15px; width:240px;"><img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjQtMDkvMDE5MjAwNmItYWYzZC03NzQ5LWFkOGMtNWFkMzljODRlN2Vi.jpg"></p><p>Bitcoin and SPX share a high correlation index as the U.S. stock approaches a new all-time high a day before the Fed cuts interest rates.</p>
<p style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 15px; width:240px;"><img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjQtMDkvMDE5MjAwNmItYWYzZC03NzQ5LWFkOGMtNWFkMzljODRlN2Vi.jpg"></p><p>Bitcoin and SPX share a high correlation index as the U.S. stock approaches a new all-time high a day before the Fed cuts interest rates.</p>